(function(e){function t(t){for(var r,s,i=t[0],u=t[1],l=t[2],b=0,f=[];bExercise 1 - Gabe has three crews with him. He stands on a high point to survey the fire and form a complete picture. The fire is in medium brush. He estimates the length of line needed to flank the fire as 1,350 feet.

How long will it take Gabe's crew to construct the line?

",type:"multi",responses:[{text:"1 hr",correct:!0},{text:"1.5 hrs",correct:!1},{text:"2 hrs",correct:!1},{text:"3 hrs",correct:!1}]}]}}},u=n("6b0d"),l=n.n(u);const a=l()(i,[["render",o]]);var b=a;Object(r["b"])(b).mount("#app")}}); //# sourceMappingURL=ffm9_8.944b7cd8.js.map